Do you want to know what your name means using a unique numerological system? An english gematria calculator can help with that. Gematria is an ancient system of assigning numbers to letters that can be used to decipher the hidden meanings of words and sentences. If you've never tried it before, don't worry; we'll walk you through the basics of how to use an English gematria calculator to interpret the meaning of your name.
First, you need to input your name into the English gematria calculator. Typically, this will involve typing out each individual letter of your name separately. Depending on which English gematria calculator you're using, what happens next will vary slightly. Generally speaking, though, after typing in each letter, the calculator should add together the corresponding numerical value (ie: A=1, B=2, C=3 etc.) associated with those letters and generate a total numerical value for the entire word or phrase. This total numerical value is known as a 'gematria value' and is known as the essence or essence number of any given name or phrase.
Once you have determined your gematria value, it is time to begin interpreting what it might mean in relation to yourself. To do this effectively, it is best if you familiarise yourself with some basic gematria theories – many websites and books are available which provide detailed explanations of such theories – so that you can make an informative judgement about what your own results mean and how these might apply directly to yourself or someone else who shares your same name or nickname.
Finally, if you have interpreted the meaning of your own results and would like to find out what other people think about it then there are plenty of online forums where such discussions can take place amongst people who are also interested in numerology and understanding their own names through English Gematria calculations. There may even be some good resources out there which provide a comprehensive explanation as well as providing answers from other users originally asking 'what does my name mean', allowing them to better understand themselves better by virtue of discovering their actual essence number based on their names!
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